Coloring Tool

Bring color to any black and white coloring page with our easy-to-use online tool.

Add Colors to an SVG using SvgTrace

Import any 'coloring page' style image, add color, and export the SVG. Read the steps below for more detail.

  1. First, find an image you want to add colors to and download it.
  2. Upload the file to the Coloring Page to SVG tool using the upload button. It accepts JPG, PNG, and other common image file types.
  3. Click the Color Picker button and move the slider along the bottom to select the color, then click in the middle to select the hue.
  4. Click any of the white space in the image to make it the color you’ve selected. Make sure to zoom in if some of the areas are small.
  5. Repeat until your image has all of the colors you want.
  6. Change the toggle from Fill to Delete if you want to remove sections of the image from the SVG
  7. Click to download your SVG.
  8. Then load your new SVG file into your Cricut.